7 Simple-To-Do Energy Saving Hacks!

Everyone wants their energy bills cut down. It can get crazy!

Yet we don’t recognize and we dismiss the small things we may do to make our houses a great deal more energy-saving!

Here are a few hacks that helped me actually reduce my bills this last year. Many of them I didn’t even realize I could do until I started looking it up. So hopefully they help you out.

And no, they’re not expensive, difficult, or time consuming. Actually, they’re the most day-to-day things that you do think about.

Get The Drapes

Get drapes for windows. This helps keep the cool or hot air in and/or outside.

Plain, old, regular drapes will insulate your house, keeping the heat/cold out. This can allow you to cut your energy costs off.

You may also use lots of accessories that are different to track your indoor temperature. Get tin foil, reflective fils, climate control drapes, double glazing, and some other creative everyday items to keep your room temperature at the windows.

Throw Some Shade

Plant trees in front of windows and house. Yeah, this might take some time. But it’s important to start. Or, if you’re constructing a house, to plan for it ahead of time! Trees can save you a great deal in energy costs only because of the shadiness they provide.

Use Energy Star Efficient Products

Keep your appliances up-to-date and care for them— running at their finest and preserve them to keep them efficient. Get Energy Star products: appliances which are constructed with diminishing the carbon footprint in your mind and saving money.

Energy-saving appliances are worth and cost you less in the long haul.

Switch Out All Your Light Bulbs for LED Bulbs

On average, 1 LED light bulb can save a homeowner $62.00 during its life. They used to be a little more pricey, but they now affordable for the normal homeowner. Especially when you consider how much they save you in the long-run.

Also, energy star compliant, compact fluorescent lights use 75% less energy and last more than typical bulbs. Better for you house, your pocket, as well as the planet!

Insulation Is Key

Insulating material in your attic, and insulation around ceilings, doors, windows, or anyplace air can sneak in will make a significant change.

Your home is like an envelope. Any flows allow for chilly and humidity drafts to sneak in. Really uncomfortable! This kind of leakage accounts for around 25-40% of the energy used for cooling or heating.

Cool air and heat can escape through gaps in walls, doorways, ceilings, and lofts. It’s important to seal it up. Otherwise you’re basically letting cash slip out the cracks.

Are Your Windows Up-To-Date?

Windows that are older are NOT great for conserving energy. They don’t have as much insulation and they’re a cash hole.

Take the time to update your windows for energy savings.

Time to Take A Peek at Your AC Unit

How old is it? When was the last time you did maintenance? It should be clean and energy-efficient—otherwise you’re just flushing cash down the toilet.

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